
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Free Valet Parking? Nothing is Free.

In Singapore, nothing is free. While signs displayed 'Free Valet Service', you are still required to pay the parking fees, and on top of that, tip the person parking your car. It is only free if you possess the skin of a rhinoceros, picking up your key, and walks away without tipping. In general, it is only polite to tip about S$2. 

My experience at Singapore General Hospital few years back was quite bad with the valet parking. In fact, the valet cordoned off a sizable area of the empty parking space for valet parking, and they posted a similar sign which says, 'free valet service'. It does not make any sense to me, as I have to go through the electronic gantry which charges an exorbitant parking fee, and have my car parked by someone when the empty parking is just right in front of me. However, when the lunch crowd moves in, and the carpark is starting to fill up, a lot of Singaporeans who are not aware of this simply thought the carpark is full, and will stop their car just before the cones, and leave the car with the valet. However, if they drove in a little more, they would realize there is a lot of empty spaces inside. I have since learned to be smart, and will just drive through the cones, smile and wave, and park the car myself. Unless the parking is full, and I am rushing, then I will leave the car with the valet. As said, nothing is free, especially in Singapore.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Going to Johor Bahru or Senai International Airport to and from Singapore

Singapore MRT System
I recently took a trip to Sabah during the Chinese New Year season, and as there were no tickets directly from Singapore, I went via the Johor route. I took a train to Kranji MRT, and from the Kranji Bus Terminal, I took bus 170 (Blue Plate) to Kotaraya Bus terminal/ City Lounge. From there, I was supposed to transit to another bus, Causeway Link Express, MYR$8, to Senai International Airport, but realized I have to wait more than an hour for the next bus, so I decided to take a cab instead. The trip via taxi from Kotaraya to Senai takes about 40 minutes and it costs me MYR$40. In order to catch the Causeway Link Express, you will need to time your trip. Check this link for the time schedule. An alternative bus you can take is SBS Transit Bus 950 from Woodlands after alighting at Woodlands MRT if you prefer not to go to Kranji. It brings you to Kotaraya bus terminal too. Returning trip from Senai International Airport is the same, just do it in reverse order. While there is direct taxi service from Senai International Airport to Singapore, it was not available for me when I reach there in the evening about 6pm. I was stunned, as the the notice board clearly offer taxi trips to Singapore. When I queried the receptionist, all she does was shrugged and says, 'no taxi to Singapore'. I ended up taking the MYR$8 Shuttle Bus to Kotaraya/ City Lounge, then transit via SBS 950 to the customs. However, from the customs, as the wait for SBS 950 was simply too long (more than 30 minutes), I switched to SBS 170 (Blue Plate) to Kranji MRT.

At the customs, you will need to alight twice (once at Singapore Customs, the other is at Malaysia Customs). In order to cut down some time, you can take any SBS buses between customs, since they only drop you, and pick you up later after you have cleared customs. The bus operates by EZ link card, basically a contactless smart card, which can be purchased at the terminal. However, if you take the Malaysian Causeway Link, I believe it is more difficult as they provide you with a bus ticket, which you will need to show each time you take the bus again.  Another useful link for some clarity to Senai International Airport from Singapore. However do take note that the frequency for Causeway Link Express is not every 20 minutes as stated. Bon Voyage!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SCDF Chief and CNB Director Under Probe by CPIB

SCDF Chief Peter Lim
CNB Director Ng Boon Gay
Singapore Civil Defence Force(SCDF) Chief Peter Lim and Central Narcotics Bureau(CNB) Director Ng Boon Gay are being investigated currently by Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau(CPIB). Sources quoted that the investigation could involve 'money and women'.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Resveratrol - Heart Healthy Chocolate

A reason to indulge. I just had this 'Rich Dark Chocolate' and I must say it is yummy!! On the back it was written 'Contains more Resveratrol than 50 glasses of Red Wine'. Googled and realized Resveratrol may be the key substance in the antioxidants responsible for the heart healthy benefits - Preventing damage to blood vessels, prevent blood clots and brings down bad cholesterol. However, moderation please. So far it has been tested on mice, and it has shown it reduces obesity, but for a human to have that same doses given to the mice, he will need to drink about 60 litres of red wine...everyday. So maybe having one of this chocolate daily may do just that. In any case, more research is needed to make this a fact. By the way, I bought this at NTUC Finest.

Chinese New Year - Orchard Style

If you hate squeezing through Chinatown streets buying the Chinese New Year goodies, maybe you can try Orchard road? Slightly quieter, but definitely still able to get what you want. The goodies' pic is taken in Basement level Takashimaya.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Writing a Will in Singapore - LEGALLY without a Lawyer

Do you know as a male, if your whole family dies in a plane crash, who will get all your assets? If you think your mother will get it, are WRONG!  Your wife's mother will get all the assets. This is because they deemed the male if given the same amount of time to 'die', the male will go legally, if you die first, your wife will get all your assets (if you did not do up a will to dictate who gets what). Then if your wife dies, who gets the assets? Yes, her mother.

So if you do not wish for that to happen, do up a simple will. You do not need to have a lawyer as long you are above 21 years old, or working in a high risk profession, but of course if you have the money, do go ahead and engage one. If you are rich enough, get the lawyer and keep the will for you. If not, do like I do, write up a will, get 2 witness to see you sign and they sign themselves with NRIC no. and full name so they can come forth and clarify any doubts. Then, hand over this will to someone you can trust, or your mother to safe keep. There is no point keeping it in a secret location nobody knows about.

I have attached a sample will written by a lawyer in Singapore sometime back, updated it, got 2 close friends to sign, sealed it and hand over to someone. Do use it, amend it to your circumstances but keep it understandable.

Last but not least, do update it constantly if your spouse keep changing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Wonder - World Largest Jade Buddha for Universal Peace

From 14 to 26 Jan 2012, this world largest Jade Buddha standing at 2.7 metres tall, will be on displayed just outside Takashimaya, Ngee Ann City. This Buddha was carved on a Big boulder - Polar Pride, found in Canada, a Nephrite Jade, the largest and pure unflawed jade ever found. It weighs 4 tonnes. While many said it's priceless, it was believed to be priced at about 5 million. If you are a buddhist, do visit. You can read more of the story here.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Swim and Run - Singapore Biathlon 2012

This upcoming biathlete event is at East Coast Park on 03 March 2012, a Saturday. If you have not sign up yet, do so. About S$60 for registration. Should have a goodie bag with finisher T-shirt and some sports relief ailments etc. Spending the Saturday morning doing a 1.5km swim, followed by a 10km run would be interesting and lifting to the spirits. Should have some currents for the swim but just push on and you will be fine. A great way to start the day. Bring your family to cheer you on, and after the event, you can continue the rest of the day at East Coast Park. Event jointly organized by SAFRA and Republic of Singapore Navy for about 10 years. I have been doing almost all of it for the past 10 years, almost. Great event. Good crowd. Well organized. Registration:

Kranji Heritage Trail - Bollywood Veggies

Located in the Northwest of Singapore, Neo Tiew Road, this little farm is quite a nice getaway in the weekend. Entrance is S$2 only. Visit the bistro for a 'green' meal, with Kang Kong harvested by them. No GST and no service charge. Cash Only. You can easily get a set meal for about S$10 with a few side dishes. Afterwhich, take a walk around the farm  and you will see many banana trees, guava, jambu, starfruit, longan, etc all over. Play a little basketball, and soak in the nature. Dog friendly. The staffs are wonderful so talk to them and they will gladly point you the way. Go on to the website for more info.

Complicated Singapore

Pic 1
If you are wondering where are the places people speaks about in relation to the very moment you landed at Singapore International Airport - Changi, see pic 1 left. Taking a cab to Orchard area should take you only about 30 mins with a relative smooth ride. Out of the airport, you should be on the expressway marked 'City', any other way, the driver is taking you for a ride. From East to West is less than 50km, so go figure. Use that distance as a reference to any other parts of Singapore.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Little Red Dot

I place this map in because interestingly, I was asked by an American, "Where is Singapore? Is it somewhere in China?"...That remark surprised me. Singapore is not a part of anybody, and proudly so. If you look at the map, you will be amazed by the accomplishment of this little red dot. About 5 billion people stay in this meritocratic society, working hard each day to make this city booming with life. Come see it for yourself and you will be awed by the skyscrapers all around.